I know I’m not the only artist feeling this way, but it’s hard to stay creative this year! My field has all but dropped off the face of the earth, but I’m trying to use this time well in the waiting. Theatre has been my main creative outlet for several years, but this year is a good reminder to actors and performers that it’s good to create outside of the theatre.
This totally isn’t scientific, but I think the more you can get your creative neurons firing, the better art you will create! If you’re a fellow creative, you know just how addicting it is to be creating new art, even if it’s silly or just for yourself.
I for one, definitely want to keep those creative neurons firing. I want to be in top-shape when theatre comes back. I broke these ideas into two categories: to consume and to create. One is to keep you inspired, the other is to practice your creativity. So here are some ideas to stay creative while we’re waiting!
What to Consume to Stay Creative
Art is meant to be consumed. Theatre would be pretty meaningless without an audience to enjoy it! (Although the era of Zoom-theatre keeps trying it’s luck…). There is a reason why television, theatre, music, and books are so popular. People love to consume the art of others! This is essential for you as an artist because it keeps you inspired. Here’s what you can consume to find inspiration and stay creative.
What could be better than music, honestly? If you’re feeling in a creative rut, maybe it’s time to switch up your music choices. There are so many artists out there that put their creativity into music; it can be so elaborate! Even if a new album doesn’t spark your next great idea, it can at least get you pumped up! Lately I’ve been into old classic rock concept albums. I love something that tells a story!
Books, novels, whatever you call it; they’ve been around for a long time and they aren’t going anywhere! Maybe now is a great time for you to dig into some classics to find out exactly why they are so treasured. Better yet, take your favorite movie, television show, or musical and read the book it’s inspired by. Can you see how the author’s point has come across?
I’ve also been loving reading memoirs or biographies of artists! Even when I least expect it, I am constantly being blown away by the stories of other actors and artists. I’ve loved Unmasking What Matters by Sandra Joseph and Skating the Starlight Express by Michal Fraley.
What could be more 2020 than podcasts?! (Don’t answer that…) There is a podcast for anything under the sun! Instead of reading about inspiring artistic journeys, you can listen to them! I LOVE the lessons a creative life can teach us. I’d recommend 10,000 NOs by Matthew Del Negro. His podcast is full of inspiring stories on the way to success. If you’re looking for something a bit more along the lines of storytelling, try Camp Monsters (for the heebie jeebies) and 36 Questions (it’s a podcast musical!)
Movies, Television, Videos
Ok, I’m not going to talk too much to this because you already know! Needless to say, these are some of THE MOST popular medium of consumable art. Especially in this day and age, a compelling story, brilliant acting performances, and million dollar designs are just a few clicks away. Go get inspired!
Pinterest. I mean Pinterest. Ok, not just Pinterest, but that’s definitely the most popular imagery-inspiration platform. You can sub Pinterest for magazines, books, or other websites, but a compilation of images that you like is amazing for your brain! (Why do you think vision boards are so popular?) I was recently inspired by a color palate I was looking at for my color consulting course. Just a few simple colors told such a story in my head! Don’t underestimate the power of imagery.
I may have given you a brief list of inspiration sources, but truthfully? Inspiration comes from any-and-everywhere! You could be inspired by the smallest thought that pops into your head, or the files at your office, or a single line of a song. I would highly recommend keeping a list of things you find that inspire you. It just makes you happy!
Ok, now that you’ve gathered some sources of inspiration, what to do with them? Consuming inspiration is awesome and important, but it doesn’t really serve it’s purpose until you implement them. Don’t forget that part! The real growth in creativity comes from actually acting on your inspirations, not just consuming them. So here are some ideas that you can take action on (and they may surprise you!)
Visual Arts
This one might be the most obvious, but painting a picture or drawing something is astoundingly therapeutic, don’t you think? It’s typically what people think of when they think of art, but we artists know it’s so much more than that. Visual art may be more than just painting or drawing; you could create a mood board, design a t-shirt, or make an album cover for music you have yet to write. Sometimes just buying a simple coloring book and markers is all you need.
Ok, this one may not be that surprising, but it that’s because it never goes out of style! You could write a novel, a short story, a play, poetry, music, etc. Even if you’re not a writer, finding the time to write can be incredibly beneficial. You don’t even have to show anyone what you write! I, however, am expecting to read some amazing works written during the craziness of 2020 😀
Start A Business
Have you ever thought to yourself, “Gee, it would be cool if there was ____”. So make it! Business can totally be a creative endeavor! Just marketing alone can be a super fun creative journey; learning how to get inside the minds of potential clients. Business may sounds like the use of more practical skills than creative ones, but check out this post on exactly why creative people can excel in business.
And don’t forget to sign up for my FREE GUIDE designed to help you plan your own side hustle!
Cross Mediums?
Ok, this is kind of weird, but hear me out! Basically, you take an element from someone else’s creation, and let it inspire another your creation! So you write a short story based on a song you like. Or you write an album based on a painting from 1904. Cool right?! You can put so many twists on this!
One creative hobby I’ve picked up is my food Insta! During quarantine, I got super into easy cooking and nutrition and created this Instagram account to share my knowledge about nutrition! It started as learning how to feed myself well, and has turned into my own little creative corner! I love taking the time to arrange the food, take pictures, create a cohesive feed, etc. You could really do this with any hobby! Which leads us to:
Document everything
If you are still stuck on how you want to tap into your creativity, just start by documenting everything. Journal about your experiences and thoughts. Write down how a movie makes you feel. Record your reactions to your favorite artist’s new album. Sooner or later your documentation could lead to some serious inspiration, all the while creating something to remember by.
So of course, this list is not complete. What have you been staying creative with? I’m dying to know! We’ve all got to stay creative during this time!

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