Something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately is the kind of energy you can bring to your life when you decide you are a 10/10. I don’t necessarily mean by the way you look, but everything about you. Of course looks would be included in that, but this goes much deeper.
It seems like the most exciting things happen to people who are 10/10s. They get the best opportunities, they always know what to say, they alway bring their A game; and of course they look great while doing it.
Well, lately I’ve decided it will be my mission to decide I’m a 10/10. I’d love to share with you some of the thoughts I’ve had on this journey: because it’s been awesome.
We’re on a mission to bring some main character energy to our lives, let’s go!
love your flaws
My life coach says that a weakness is just a strength that has been over used. Start looking at all your flaws this way. Do you have anxiety? It’s just the protective part of your brain overworking itself. Do you have a temper sometimes? It means you care about something a little more than one would expect. That’s all, no big deal. You don’t need to beat yourself up about these things.
It’s also completely necessary to love any physical flaws you think you perceive as well. Just a couple weeks ago I realized my nose was crooked. I’ve been staring at my own nose for a quarter of a century, and never noticed until now. You know what my first thought was?
Heck yeah, that’s cool.
Perfect is so boring. It’s incredibly boring! You know what’s perfect? A blank sheet of printer paper. It doesn’t have any meaning until it’s been marked up. Practice being unattached to perfectionism and you’ll find it easier to love your flaws and believe you are a 10/10.
Related: How To Build Unbreakable Confidence

Prioritize Self Care
Practicing self care is essential to have a good relationship with yourself. Keeping in mind, self care looks different for everybody. You get to decide what self care looks like for you.
For myself, nutrition and exercise are my strongest forms of self care. Even when I’m stressed and pushed for time, I always make sure I eat every meal and try to make it nutritious. I know I can’t function well if I’m running on empty! Additionally, I know I sleep and think better when I make some time to go to the gym a couple times a week.
Sometimes self care can seem like a chore, and it really shouldn’t be. If you don’t want to do your self care activities, then maybe you need to pick something else. Plan you self care in advance, stick to you plan, and fully enjoy the time you invest in yourself.
Decide What Story You Want To Tell
Often times people move through life thinking that everything is happening to them. Instead, I challenge you to start thinking that everything is happening for you. How can you create a story where all the events in your life point to you being the hero? Get creative with this!
Maybe you’ve had a lot of terrible things happen to you, or have had some hard personal battles in your life. Unless you purposely decide that those things are part of your origin story, it can feel like these are the defining factors of your failures. You get to decide what character you are in your life, and how the events of your life effect you. Are you ready to decide you are a 10/10? Create a story that means you’ve been one all along.
Dress The Part
This is a fun part, but I challenge you to dress like you are a 10/10. To accomplish this, you need to dress in pieces that feel true to yourself, or who you want to be. This doesn’t mean you need to follow trends or conform to how other people you know dress. It just means you need to feel aligned in what you are wearing.
Sometimes this will mean you are more dressed up than the people around you. You may feel awkward being the only one in heels at first, but giving yourself permission to dress like your most intuitive self is where true confidence comes from. Other times, you may be the only one not wearing makeup. If this feels closer to being your most authentic self, then you owe no explanations! Rock that fresh face.
This also means throwing out pieces of clothing that no longer fit you, whether by size or aesthetic. I’ve come to believe it’s actually the dumbest thing ever to try fit into “that old pair of jeans” you once wore. You don’t owe those jeans anything! They’ve failed to grow with you, so take it as an opportunity to find pieces that reflect your true self better.
I’m an enneagram 1. A self-professed, recovering perfectionist. I have that little critic voice in my head that tells me everything that’s wrong with me.
I don’t listen to her.
This skill takes some practice, but pays off the better you get at it. Ultimately, you need to realize that your inner critic isn’t a credible source. She’s influenced by societal standards, outdated values, and expectations that don’t serve you. She doesn’t have your best interest in mind, so overrule her.
This kind of comes back to loving your flaws, but you need to get in the habit of not making excuses for yourself. Except this time, you need to practice not feeling obligated to give those excuses to other people. No matter how hard you try, you will never be able to control others opinions of you. So let go of the need to alter yourself to please others, both physically and behaviorally.

Let’s embody that main character energy by assuming that everything will happen for the best. Sure there may be bumps in the road; we just call them plot twists. A turn for character development. Whatever comes along, you will be able to handle it.
I am fiercely committed to believing that everything happens exactly as it’s supposed to. I have a crooked nose because I am supposed to. My plans were ruined in 2020 because they were supposed to. I’ve come through anything and everything because I needed to grow in a way that only those experiences could provide. I’ve handled it all like a 10/10.
So do you truly believe you are a 10/10? What is standing in your way?
Let me know your thoughts, don’t forget to pin this on Pinterest and follow me for more personal development content!
- How To Build Unbreakable Confidence
- 10 Tips To Improve Your Mindset For The Better
- Learning To Love Progress Over Perfection
These are great points. I feel like self care is an amazing way to boost a persons confidence and overall mood.
Definitely! It’s like treating yourself as good as you would a friend