Blogging is one of the best things you can do for marketing your online business. Many large companies have full content marketing teams dedicated to growing their online presence, but small businesses can benefit as well.
I love creative, relevant, and well-written blogs. Blogs that have a lot of personality and offer valuable information for their readers are impressive. I’m sure you’ve also stumbled across drool-worthy blogs within your niche too.
It all seems like so much work though. Is it really worth it?
I remember feeling overwhelmed and clueless about blog writing. It’s hard to find information that is actually helpful about blogging too. If you Google “how to start a blog” you mostly just get a bunch of people trying to sell you Bluehost packages. ๐ฌ
If you’re anything like me, you’ve tried all these things:
- Sticking to a consistent writing schedule (blogs go up on Mondays)
- Posting your blog posts on social media (you get 12 likes and your dad points out your grammar mistakes)
- Pinterest? …is that how people actually get traffic?
- Coming to terms with the fact that your blog hasn’t been updated since 2019…
There is cause for optimism though. Once you get the hang of quality blogging, it can do wonders for your website and your online business. I’m here to help you get inspired to develop your blog further and reap the numerous benefits.
Many people start blogging because they think it can be a fun creative outlet when actually, it can be a great source of growth, engagement, and professionalism for your business.
For life coaches especially, I’ve seen blogging become absolutely amazing for their businesses.

Do I really need a blog for my coaching business?
The short answer? No, you don’t exactly need a blog to have a business.
But imagine a bakery not having a front window showcasing all the delicious, wonderful delicacies waiting for their customers just inside.
Kind of a similar concept.
Especially if your business and marketing are largely online, a blog essentially acts as a front window into your business.
Since the start of the pandemic, the world of online business has exploded. Even businesses that weren’t previously online are finding it more and more necessary to have a strong online presence.
This trend isn’t likely to stop either. As more people realize their ideal clients are all over the world and all over the internet, a blog becomes more of an intuitive piece you can use in your business.
Even brick-and-mortar businesses could seriously benefit from keeping their blog up to date.
Because what’s the first thing people do when they think about stopping by your business?
They look it up online.
Not having a blog definitely isn’t a nail in the coffin for your business, but it’s kind of a no-brainer in this day and age.
Life coaching blogs especially can be a great catalyst for more business, which we’ll explore here.
Now where a blog becomes a detriment to your business is when you’re spending too much time, energy, and stress trying to keep your blog up to date. It can be a serious time-suck, especially when you’re first starting out, so don’t fall into that trap.
In that case, it’s a great idea to outsource your blog writing to an expert. It’s more common than you would think, so it’s worth exploring.

The benefits of having a blog for your coaching website
If you are a coach of any kind, I think you’ll find that you relate to these reasons for having a blog for your website.
I also wanted to provide you with some tips to help you create an amazing coaching blog, so make sure you take note of these!
1. A blog lets you engage with your clients and potential clients
A blog is a space that allows you to connect with your clients (and potential clients). It’s a space where you can create a dialogue with them. You can talk about the struggles, victories, and benefits of your coaching programs.
You can use a blog to give people a taste of what it’s like working with you. A good coaching blog should sound like you. It should make the reader feel like they know and understand you, and that you truly have empathy for their struggles.
*Tip: Take pieces of inspiration from your client testimonials and flesh them out into fully-formed blog posts. This shows your potential clients the value and transformation that could be waiting for them if they sign up for your coaching.
2. It’s a place to offer value
Quality, evergreen blog posts that can be referred to over and over again are a great way to offer value to your clients and readers indefinitely.
It’s a place to share wisdom, tips, and tricks that can be referred to often.
I love blogging because it lasts sooo much longer than social media content. You might post an Instagram story or TikTok, and it could convert or share value for a day, but then you find yourself talking about the same thing months later because your content isn’t searchable on those platforms.
If you can get a blog post to rank on Google though, you could be reaping the benefits from that blog post for years. Each blog you post helps build the credibility of your website and your brand. Unlike social media, you can use blog posts as bricks in your coaching business wall.
*Tip: Use your blog to build out your FAQ page. If you write evergreen content (meaning, it will continue to be relevant at all times) link to a blog post for each of your FAQs. It’s a chance to offer more information to your readers, answer each question in-depth, and boost the relevant keywords on your website.
3. It’s the perfect cornerstone for your content strategy
Blogging allows you to build plenty of other content around the posts you plan for your website.
Repurpose your blog content for other social media platforms, Pinterest, or podcast episodes. By doing this, you can literally plan an entire month’s worth of content in an afternoon.
Since blogs are typically the most in-depth pieces of content you create, it’s easy to create several other pieces of content from just one blog post. Plan 12 blog posts? Boom. You have content for an entire quarter.
*Tip: Repurposing your blog content into other forms of content can be pretty time-consuming. So simply outsource this to a virtual assistant or copywriter to get your time back.

4. Blogging builds your credibility as a coach
Having a blog will make it seem like you know what you’re talking about. As a life coach, if you can get a quality archive of blog posts, it shows you have commitment and knowledge to your craft.
If someone is going to be spending a lot of money to work with you, they want to be absolutely certain you are the professional who will solve their problems. When you write blogs that solve problems your target audience is searching for, it shows you already know what you’re talking about before you even get on a call with them.
*Tip: In addition to writing on your own blog, you should submit a couple guest posts to other coaching sites or publications within your niche. Not only does this boost social proof and credibility, but the backlinks also make your website more visible too.
5. Blogging drives traffic to your website
Ah yes! This is the most sparkly one. The number one reason why you should have a blog is so that your business can grow.
That is, if you understand how to plan and write content that helps boost your website for search engine optimization (SEO). There is a lot of strategy involved, but it’s worth it to do it correctly right from the get-go.
When you are able to build up a quality archive of blogs, it adds more content, titles, and keywords to your website. Google sees this as a good thing and will boost your website to be seen by more people.
SEO is a BEAST though, so I’ll probably write another blog post all about planning and writing content that is optimized for SEO soon.
*Tip: Google likes it when you write blogs centered around long form keywords.So think of something your ideal client would search for in Google (like “how to not feel anxious” or “how to talk to a friend that has hurt you.”)
To take a look at more tips from your favorite copywriter for life coaches, check out these posts here:
If you’re ready to outsource, you can take a look at my writing services on the portfolio page of my website here. ๐